by | Oct 7, 2022
Renovations to Exhale’s new office building in Berryville Virginia, including new flooring, ceilings, painting, and restrooms.
by | May 26, 2022
Build out for a new clinic in an old business space.
by | May 26, 2022
Build out the area at this location to put a nail salon and pedicure business in. Adding a water line to the city that is required. Demo of the concrete floor for all the sewer lines required. Design build the area based on owner’s request. All new interior and tile...
by | May 26, 2022
Remodeling an existing building that was a restaurant into a Deli/ Bakery. Adding an area inside for private meetings and luncheons. Changing the color scheme and the casework.
by | May 26, 2022
Complete renovation of 2200 square feet of office space and installation of new x-ray room.